
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday work crew

Every Monday afternoon, this happy crew tackles a new project off my "Farm To Do List". Today, it was gathering all the drift wood along the fence and stream into burn piles.

After building several big burn piles, we came to the last stop - loading up several big pieces of logs. 

It took team work to get most of them into the truck.

They saved the biggest for last.

"Okay, how are we going to get this one?"

"Oh, just everyone grab onto it and lift!"

Piece of cake

We took it to a neighbor who has a wood furnace to heat their house and water, and needs lots of wood to get through the winter. It was much easier pushing it out of the truck than loading it in. K7 has a little charcoal on his face...

...and K8 has way too much on his face and hands.

After the last log was off loaded, no one was eager to give K8 a hand up.
The End.

Oh, except for washing up.


  1. Another memorable day! Not only are we getting a ton of work done, but we are laughing our hearts out while doing it! : ) : ) : ) I LOVE IT!

  2. I like this post. K7 gives a new meaning to five o'clock shadow. And "many hands make light work"!
