
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Stream straightening 101

This is what it used to look like. The water was flowing around to the right and eroding the north bank.

So I hired a friend to come on 14 May and doze all the rocks across into the eroded bank and open up a straight channel.

It ended up looking pretty good. He also cleared all the small trees and under brush on this portion of the hillside.

The boys were able to easily jump across this new channel, well K8 could.

It took K7 a few more attempts at jumping across.

Looks good, but how will it handle the next big flood? Since we had another big storm with 6 inches of rain last night, I'll soon post pictures of the results.


  1. Looks real perty after correcting the flow!

  2. That thunderstorm flooded our basement and washed away all of the garden beds from the most recent Eagle Projects. : (
