
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Bees, cats, and dogs

The warm 60 degree temps yesterday caused the bees to start flying, so I had to make a batch of sugar syrup to feed them since there are no blossoms out yet.

Note: The cat photo is out of order due to a miscue of the blogger.com uploading, and with rural internet speed almost as slow as dial-up, I am not reloading all these pics!

K6 cleaning the dairy shed. We like to keep the floor covered with fresh hay or straw, and remove the occasional manure to keep it nice and clean, both for our noses and our shoes. The cats keep it clear of mice.

The sugar syrup in place. The bees are active and plentiful.

K2 and K6 got "Boy" the pit bull and "Dandy" the English Shepherd to play tug-a-war with a stick. "Jack" the Westie is jealous of anything "Boy" does.

The stick battle actually lasted longer than we thought it would go. They maneuvered from the pond bank over to the parking area.

After a spirited battle, "Dandy" ended up the winner on this round. To be continued...


  1. I love animals! That is Awesome! I wish I could have watched it! : D

  2. Fun! I wish my dogs would do that . . LOL!

  3. Boy is sweet but Dandy is my favorite dog on the ranch. Yes, I think I like her more than Chloe. She looks good with her warm weather hair cut!

  4. I love the new face page of Whipple Wanch. Sunset after a hard day.

  5. I concur, the new cover photo is great.
