
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hair of the Dog

Dandy with her winter coat, headed to the barbershop for dogs.

The new Dandy. I should have made one big pile of her shorn coat - it was a lot of hair.

Into the tub.

Her first bath since last May or June. 

She was so clean and smelled so good, I let her in the house for a while.


  1. She looks almost like a different dog. She needs a trim for the summer months but I like her long hair English Sheperd look better. So scared in the barber shop and so happy in the house. She is a good dog.

  2. WHOO a day at the Spa...I could go for one of those too!

  3. WOW! That's a ton of hair . . . did she really smell good? lol : )
