
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Land of Milk and Chocolate

We milk every morning except on Sundays. Two people do the milking - to help each other and keep each other company.

The chickens love morning milking because they know that Darlin drops grain on the ground while munching her morning treat. The white and black turkey is a Royal Palm breed. I call him Tom the Turkey, but K8 calls him Mr Gobbles.

We put a filter inside the funnel and fill 'er up.

We are getting a little over a half gallon every morning. Will get a lot more when her calf is weaned, 1 1/2 gallons morning and again in the evening. K7 says it tastes just like the Hiland brand 2% from the store. I think it tastes better than that.

A few posts back Kelsey asked the question, "what are we going to do with all this milk?". Currently, we just drink it. But later on, after we start milking Heidi and both Mommas wean their calves, we will hopefully end up with 5 to 6 gallons a day! We will start making butter, cheese, and ice cream, and also give surplus milk to families in the Church.

K7 has switched to the trumpet and really seems to like it. Unfortunately he recently watched the old black and white Cary Grant movie, "Arsenic and Old Lace". He loves the scene where Mortimer's (Cary Grant) cousin thinks he is Teddy Roosevelt, and frequently blows his bugle, yells Charge!, and runs up the stairs. K7 thinks it is hilarious to re-enact.

I am over-seeing our Boy Scout Troop's fall fund raiser - selling World's Finest Chocolate bars. I started out with 51 boxes stacked in my bedroom. Wow! What a woderful aroma! Now down to 16 boxes left and hoping to wrap it up soon...
At $1 a bar and coming in 5 delicious flavors - plain milk, milk with almond, dark with almond, milk crisp, and milk with caramel - you can't go wrong (unless you are currently on a diet)! 
Who wants one? A dozen? A box of 50? If you pick-up chocolate on the farm, I'll throw in a bottle of fresh milk to wash it down with! 


  1. That's exciting to have fresh milk every day!
    Is it a lot of work?
    That is a a TON of chocolate...I wish I could buy it all from you! : D
