
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Wedding photos

Houston, Texas, 9 July. Its 9:00 A.M. and some of the guys are already trying to cool-off and escape the morning heat.

The wedding "photo shoot" outside the Houston Temple - from the young person's perspective, hurry up and wait! ...and watch your little nieces and nephews.

The bride greets her three wonderful Grand Parents. Of her 4th Grand Parent - Nana's spirit was felt later in the Temple Sealing Room.

The Bride and Groom with his family.

K5 helping stage the next shot. Not sure either of these boys wants to become a photographer.

Enough of the photo session, now into the Temple to become Mr and Mrs, for All Time and Eternity.

Outside the Temple, the family awaits the new Mr and Mrs.

What a handsome couple!

And happy couple.

Mom and K7. KT insisted on the ladies wearing hats, and she picked a color theme of blue and white.

Nothing to worry about - just a few sprinkles.

The Bride sings a special song for her Groom.

We were highly entertained by a variety of talented singers, musicians, and even Hawaiian dancers from among the gathered family and friends.

Unique cake for a unique couple.

My artistic shot of the day.

Family. The Bride dancing with her new father-in-law, the Bride's Mother dancing with her new son-in-law, while K2 holds the mic for K4's husband who is singing and playing the piano (yes, he turned down a professional music career to become a professional lawyer). The new couple will be working and living in the Houston area for next few years while finishing college degrees in Nursing (her) and Engineering (him). After which, I hope they move somewhere close to the farm.


  1. I love your pictures as well. You are such a great pic man.

  2. I have to say Dad, we love your blog even when we don't leave a comment. And it is a great way to stay connected. Keep up the stories!
