
...and a Slower Pace of Life!


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Autumn Ranch Chores

This Fall has been so beautiful and mild that we have been able to get a lot of work done on the Wanch. Just about every morning, after K9 has his bath and breakfast, he and I hop in the UTV and tour the farm...

...checking fences and animals, and making a list of more chores and projects. We have gotten all the fence line around the entire perimeter of farm repaired, and also cleared a lot of it of weeds.

Once we cross the stream, we head up this hill to check the other half of the farm.

I have been hiring my neighbor Daniel, whom I call nephew, about twice a week to do most of the work since K6 and K8 are in school during week days, and K7 is on his Mission in Ghana, plus Daniel is earning money for his Mission - he leaves mid-January 2017 for Chicago! I am clearing all the thorny brush from beneath big trees in the hill pasture, and cutting off the low hanging branches that whack me in the head or try to knock me off tractor when mowing. A friend of mine who owns a much bigger ranch and herd calls my efforts....

...."landscaping". He's right, and I love the results! Reminds me of well groomed English country side.

We cleared a couple dozen trees - Daniel is the one who climbs the ladder and cuts the big branches with the big chainsaw, after which I cut them up with the smaller chainsaw to fit them on burn piles. Daniel is such a great guy to work with - always cheerful, happy and hard working. We find plenty of things to keep us laughing while we work.

And of course, K9 helps pick up smaller sticks to throw on the burn piles. He's learning to work and take care of the farm.

Along with, and part of, the Wanch long range "landscaping" plan, we are constantly identifying and cutting down dead or dying trees. We are slowly opening up the woodlot to gain more pasture areas for the animals to graze. Jack cuts the trees down, then he or Daniel cut them into rings. This tree was a good sized red oak. We also cut down black walnut, hickory, and the less desirable sycamore.

After which K6 is the main splitting guy. Sometimes K8 will split on a weekend if he is not at an ROTC competition or rehearsals. K9 helps build the piles. The firewood is to be given to needy older people who can not do the work themselves or afford to purchase wood. 

We occasionally schedule a delivery date and arrange extra helpers to haul the firewood off, and then Jack drops more trees to continue the cycle, at least until the weather gets bad (too cold and/or wet).