This photo ought to dis-spell the notion that everybody living in the rural Ozarks of southern Missouri are "red necks". Yes, we have some quaint folks living amongst us, but quite a few people have moved here from many other parts of the country (and world), and that is a good thing. K8 and three of our foster children joined the newly formed Children's Ballet of the Ozarks (CBO is only 15 miles from our farm), and last month they performed their first ballet - "Peter Pan". From a non-artsy kind of guy's view point, I thought it was awesome! Wish I could have seen it again.
Rehearsals were frequent and demanding.
K8 (lying on stage) had the role of Mr Smee, side kick to Captain Hook. He, and the entire cast, were great. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Their next ballet will be "The Nutcracker" with several shows over two weekends in December.
I saw a ballet dancer's t-shirt at the dance shop in the big city that read, "If it were any easier, it would be called football". After watching these athletic guys and girls dance, twirl, jump and lift, I believe it. |
In keeping with the ballet theme, my wife and I recently found this Edgar Degas statue in the St Louis Art Museum. I am a huge fan of this world class museum, and the admission is free!
K8 creating his own museum master piece. No, not modern art, but rather burn barrels - he's drilling holes in the bottoms to allow rain water to drain. |
Relaxing by the pond with my favorite friends. Unfortunately, the three ducks you see in foreground were killed by one or more of our three big dogs last week, not a very friendly night, so no exact culprit. I put training shock collars on all three dogs this week (and anti-bark collars on three of the small dogs as well). We have one female duck left, but I have a good friend giving us a few new ducks and geese soon. In the meantime, while awaiting their arrival, I am taking the three big dogs into the chicken paddock for some shock therapy training. I have a major twitch in my trigger finger and the dogs will feel it...
Our youngest, K9, relaxing and winding down after a typically full day of action, climbing, eating, playing, and running. He is so cute and happy.

He is very active, but fortunately, he still takes naps at mid-morning and mid-afternoon, and sleeps through the night. What a well rested and pleasant child. |
K2 frequently gets home late and usually exhausted. One night last week, he fell asleep on our living room floor, so K9 joined him. |
The city of St Louis is named after King Louis IX of France. He was later canonized, hence the "Saint". This statue of him sits on a hill in front of the St Louis Art Museum and over looks Forrest Park.
We discovered another Indian restaurant in St Louis and have eaten there a couple of times. This is our favorite appetizer - no idea what it is called, but it is assorted vegetables (including jalapeno) battered and fried, then served with a slightly spicy cilantro sauce...yummy, yummy.
I also had a second appetizer - "Chicken 65", tender and spicey. I was so full that I barely touched my main entree, Fish Curry, so I took it home for K8 (who loves Indian curry). On the three occasions we ate here, we were the only "white" couple - the place is usually crowded with Indians which is an excellent sign that the food is the best, authentic Indian around.
Speaking of eating, we have this big, healthy, grass fed steer ready for the butcher, but since we already put two cows in our freezer during the past six months, he is for sale: whole, half, or quarter. He'll give about 525 pounds of steaks, roasts, ground, etc. Let me know if interested. I always give friends a discount.