The good news is that Alan has a rock solid house up and ready for the roofers. We also now have all the sub-contractors lined up, and they are all great guys who do excellent work - fairly important when I am coordinating this from several hours away from the construction site.
The bad news is that the house won't be ready until September. Oh well, it will be a grand house whenever it is ready. And then there are the cost over runs, so delete the window blinds (there are no other houses around us, so why bother); we'll keep our older appliances instead buying all new; and we will finish the basement ourselves.
Look who is up on the top with the roofer - K8
He asked Dave if he could go up..."If your Dad says its okay." He is almost 11 years old and an accomplished climber. I didn't hesitate, "Sure". That's part of the reason we are moving here - we want our boys outside and learning all they can to become self sufficient.
Dave soon put a nail apron on K8 and put a hammer in his hand, then showed him what to do and put him to work. Three hours later they were finished putting down the waterproof membrane.